Github integration with Claude 3.5 Sonnet

- Natively integrate your codebase with Claude, GPT-4o models
- Store up to 1 million tokens for dynamic context
- Built-in IDE for code execution (python, java, html)

Connect with the most advanced Code Generation models

Sync your Github codebase and files to iterate on new features, debug issues, or onboard new engineers

Try with Claude 3.5 Sonnet

Claude, ChatGPT, Mistral models in a single subscription

Access powerful code generation models such as Claude 3.5 Sonnet, GPT-4o, Codestral and many more.

Try Now: $0 for 7 Days

AI Code Generation in 72 Languages

Bind supported models are trained on a diverse dataset of over 72 programming languages. This includes popular languages like Python, Java, C, C++, JavaScript, and Bash, as well as more specialized ones such as Swift and Fortran. This extensive training allows Bind AI to assist effectively across a wide range of coding environments.

Create a frontend for Marketplace Web App

Create beautiful front end web applications with HTML, NextJS, React and advanced components such as Tailwind CSS.

Generate HTML Code
Write a python script to parse a JSON

Generate Python, C++, bash scripts for your usecases and execute in the AI Code Editor.

Generate Python Script
Write a SQL query to find top customers

Generate boilerplate code, API queries, SQL queries, cURL commands and automate boring tasks.

Generate API Query

Online IDE to execute your code

Bind's AI code generator comes with a powerful, built-in Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that streamlines your coding process from start to finish.

Compile your code instantly, catching errors in real-time.
Execute your code directly within Bind AI, seeing results immediately
Enjoy a seamless coding experience without ever leaving the interface
View Code Editor with a sample code

Access Github integration and Claude models with
Bind AI Premium.

Dramatically accelerate your productivity with Bind AI.


AI Assistant for general use
Start for free, no credit card
start now
  • Access to GPT 3.5, Claude Haiku, Command R
  • Limited Queries
  • Limited access to Canvas Editor


Starting at
per seat
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  • Private and secure data instance
  • Enterprise SAML and SSO
  • Connect Enterprise Data and Knowledge base
  • Fine-tuned LLM models